Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You're it!

Mark 1:17-18. “…Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.”

The disciples were immediately responsive to the call Jesus issued them. Jesus intended to train them to lead others as He led them. He was clear about that from the beginning – I will make you fishers of men.

As a part of their training Jesus sent them out to communicate the good news to others with the expectation of bringing others to faith in Christ. He was just as clear on how to present this gospel. In Luke 10, Jesus told them to pray blessing first, then build a relationship perhaps over a meal, then meet any “felt” needs (like praying for healing), and then proclaim the Kingdom.

If the way is paved with prayer, friendship and service, most anyone would be ready to hear about the hope we have in Him. It would create an openness to receive what we have to say and a desire to have the same.

Jesus is intentional in all He does. We should be the same: Praying, building relationships and meeting needs with the intent of leading someone to faith in Christ. Who are you praying for? What pre-Christian are you building relationship with and meeting needs for? It’s our turn!

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