Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Looking for a Traveling Companion

Day 3 of 21 of Spiritual Growth Journal
Luke 4:1,14, “Jesus…was led by the Spirit in the desert”; “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit…”

Jesus never traveled alone. He traveled with His friends and family. But the times He seemed to be separated from them, He had a traveling companion in the Holy Spirit. As valuable as the people around Him were, He gained so much more traveling with the Holy Spirit.

As you launch out for the next few days in the discovery of Christ in you, we have arranged for a traveling companion. Okay, well the truth is God arranged for Him to be with you even before you started your journey. That’s right, the same Holy Spirit that led and empowered Jesus will be with you. He will be available to lead, teach, empower, encourage, comfort, illuminate and help you. He is available to you the entire journey – these 21 days, this year of your life as you grow to be like Christ and every year after. He is available night and day.

In his journey to the desert with all that the journey included, Jesus followed the help of the Holy Spirit. Will you travel with the Holy Spirit too? Take a few minutes right now and just get to know Him with a simple conversation (prayer). Tell Him about your hopes in this journey and listen for Him to share his.

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