Sunday, January 19, 2014

Getting to it...

Luke 19:17, “’Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you…’”

In the scope of history, we can seem like a spec in the universe. Why would God be so concerned with me and whether I use what He has given me? Because just as He pursued you (the spec) He is pursuing every human spec ever created. He wants to use you, the redeemed spec, to redeem another spec.

So God expects us to be about His business with the tools (gifts) He has given us. A “good servant” is a faithful servant who is employing the gifts given to honor the gift giver. A “good servant” is an active servant. A “good servant” is a trustworthy servant.

A “good servant” takes the initiative to increase the family business. A “good servant” operates in good faith. A “good servant” is ready to release the gains to his Master.

We must not overlook the fact the Master rewards all “good servants” for their service. Their reward is to serve even more. If God values serving so much that He makes the opportunity to serve the reward, then we should be getting to it…serving with the gifts He’s given us.

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