Sunday, June 19, 2011

God has us where he wants us...

As I read from the Message, Ephesians 2:7 +, that "Now God has us where he wants us...", I was caught off guard. So much comes to my mind as I read this...God has us where he wants us...or does He have us where He wants us... Is where I am right now really where God wants me?... and I kept trying to wrap my head around this thought.

I tried to unwrap what Paul was saying and found some success. Paul mentions three specifics that indicate the "where" that He wants us: alive in Christ (regeneration), realization of a "raised up" life (living in Resurrection power), and participation in His divine nature (now and not just later). Well, ok, now that makes more sense. If I am enveloped in these three areas, then He does have me where He wants me.

BUT WAIT...THAT'S NOT ALL (sounds like an infomercial, doesn't it),He has me right where He wants me for a purpose. That purpose is that I can be an exhibition of His favor (His incomparable riches of grace). In every aspect of my life, I can be a display of His grace and favor.

Ok, then, maybe I am not where He wants me this is challenging. I understand what the where is, now I have to get my life in tune with the where so I can be a trophy of His grace...for all to see.

When you see a trophy from far away, you notice first the figurine or emblem that identifies the reason for the trophy first. Only upon closer examination can you read the inscription at the bottom. Remember the same is true of our lives, what people see from a distance is what draws(or repels) them to read the fine print of our lives. We are (intended to be) His workmanship, on display for Him & His glory!

Shine this week!

Monday, June 13, 2011

the deposit...a little something-something

As Christ followers we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is also the deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. In a previous post, I listed an alphabet of who the Bible says the Holy Spirit is and how He can work in our lives. With all this list of who He is and what He does, He is just a deposit. A deposit is earnest money...a pledge, an assurance of what is to come. It's not even the down payment. It's just a little something-something for what's coming. When you think about that, what is coming later is really amazing.

get your deposit on... In Ephesians 1...this deposit is also referred to as our Spirit of wisdom and Spirit of revelation... Now that's a deposit worth having. In fact, Paul prayed that we would know this "incomparable" power... with all this in mind, we should get and stay connected to the deposit and be excited about what is to come... after all He's just a deposit...

if you sit where you've always sat, you're not gonna go where you need to get... in other words you've got to get sealed, and recognize you have on deposit a guarantee of your inheritance.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Open your Gift!

" much more will you Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!" Jesus said in his teaching on the top (for you traditionalists, the sermon on the mount - Matthew 7:11) Many Christ followers and people in general struggle with how worthy or rather unworthy they are to receive anything from God. While it is true we, as in none of us, deserve anything we get from Him. It is by His grace and mercy that we can be offered and receive gifts from Him.

Perhaps, outside of salvation itself, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39). It's not a gift I would want to leave unopened under the tree. As you hear the words, under the tree, your thoughts might first go to gifts under a Christmas tree, but it has an additional meaning. These gifts were purchased with the tree - the cross. I just would not want to arrive in heaven and find out I left an opened gift under His tree, especially one of such magnitude as the Holy Spirit.

I encourage you to consider asking your heavenly Father for a gift today. Specifically I challenge you to ask Him for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Why the Holy Spirit? Well, let me offer to you my abc's . It's what I call the Holy Spirit alphabet. It's not an exhaustive list, but well worth considering, studying and applying. WOW! What a gift:

Holy Spirit Alphabet
Advocate - to plead in us - John 14:16
Baptism - to unite in Christ - I Cor 12:13
Comforter - to cheer - John 14:16

Convincer - to alarm - John 16:8
Director - to guide - Romans 8:14

Deposit - guarantee - Eph. 1:14
Empower - to be a witness - Acts 1:8
Fullness - to enrich - Eph 5:18

Fruit - producer - Galatians 5:22
Guide - to lead - John 16:13

Glory - to remind - 1 Peter 4:14,

Gift Giver - to encourage - 1 Cor. 12:11
Helper - to enable - Romans 8:26
Indweller - to occupy - 1 Cor. 3:16

Illuminator - to reveal - John 16:13
Joy - to gladden - Romans 15:13
King - to rule - 2 Cor. 3:17
Liberator - to free - Romans 8:2
Mark of God - we are his - 2 Cor 1:22
New Nature Begetter - John 3:6
Oil of Gladness - Psalm 45:7
Power - to strengthen - Eph. 3:16
Quickener - to life - Romans 8:11
Reflector - to His glory - 2 Cor 3:18
Searcher - to investigate - 1 Cor 2:10

Sanctifier - to separate - Rom. 15:16
Teacher - to instruct - John 14:26

Truth - to equip - John 15:26
Understanding - to discern - Isaiah 11:2
Victory - to overcome - 1 Cor 15:57
Well of Living Water - John 4:14

Well Doing - to insure - Gal 6:8-9
Chrisma - unction, anointing to empower - 1 John 2:20
Yielding - to show obedience - Rom 6:13
Zeal - to inspire - Acts 2:17-18

Enjoy Him!